
C# Exception Behavior

As a programmer, we can see a lot of try-catch patterns in the legacy code.

But sometimes exception messages cannot precisely point out where the error occured.

And this is how C# Exception behaves.

Throw Ex

Not Implemented Exception was actually thrown on line 16. But Stack Trace showed the error occured on line 11 instead.

throw ex reset where Exception is raised. Do not use it.

The following two ways are better choices.


Just simplely throw can correctly show where the exception occured.

But what if we need custom messages for exceptions?

Inner Exception

We can package the original exception with a new exception.

The outer exception displayed the message but still contained the original one. So we are able to trace where the error really happened.


No Exception Left Behind

Ignoring or dropping any exception leads more confused debugging.

There are a lot more guidelines for exception handling. But those are other stories.

